Let the light in! Bringing the outside inside your home!
We automate so many aspects of our daily routine that we often do not even realize how basic attitudes can collaborate very positively to maintain our health and good mood. From sunbathing with coffee in the morning on your terrace to other easily accessible outdoor activities, such as reading a book, meditating, or even an impromptu picnic in the backyard. At a time when we spend so much time indoors, finding ways to connect our inner selves to the world around us is essential to recharge our batteries. Inviting nature to enter our lives and homes is important for our wellness.
The simple privilege of a small balcony or yard already brings that feeling of extension with the outside world. If there is room for a good lounger or a compact table and chair set, even better! In fact, if these spaces bring the outside into the home, they can also connect the interior of our homes to the immensity of cities and nature. Gourmet spaces are great ways to optimize outdoor areas and still add value to our homes, being a source of entertainment and interaction.
We know, however, that the population increase in large cities, meant that we had to adapt to smaller and smaller homes. Thus, having an outdoor area is for many an inaccessible or unviable luxury. But calm down, this also has a solution! It's time to open the windows, let the sunlight in, and enjoy our daily dose - so much needed! - of vitamin D.
How about giving a special touch to that sunny corner of the living room or bedroom, bringing elements typically used outside into your house? In addition to wood, textures, and natural fibers combined with green or earthy tones, they certainly help to build this atmosphere of warmth.
In addition to lighting and natural materials, plants go far beyond bringing color and life to environments. Protagonists of several contemporary styles of decoration, they provoke a series of physical and emotional advantages, ranging from improving the air to increasing relaxation and self-esteem. Those with green leaves and wider adapt better to indoor environments, in addition to causing greater visual impact. It will be the conditions of natural lighting and ventilation of the environments, however, that will define the choice of the most suitable species.
Cultivating love (growing your own food)
And, of course, in addition to ornamental plants, growing our own food - whether in vegetable gardens, vertical or even in small pots - bring more freedom, health, and safety to our daily routine. In addition to being a great therapy and educational activity. After all, few things are as inspiring as literally reaping the fruit of what we plant.