1st Design Competition in Spain
For the first time, impress collaborates and offers the opportunity to young students to show their talent through this collaboration with the EMAD Municipal School of Design in La Garriga. At impress Spain we are very involved in terms of inclusion and collaboration with third parties. Therefore, our Design department had the idea of creating an external Design contest.
This initiative has been very well received by both parties and allowed students to see how their ideas and creations serve more than just a grade from the School. The contest was aimed at students of digital design and creation of objects and furniture (COM). The thematic was focused on creating free designs for later use on floors or furniture. The jury team was formed by Sascha Kostros (Head of Decor Management), Albert Llovet (Managing Director Impress Iberia) and all the members of the Design department of Impress Iberia, Eduard Reuss, Joan Carles Manzano, Débora Vaquero and Oriol Tramunt.
The idea excited the young students so much and it encouraged all of them to participate. The quality of the works delivered was really excellent, which made it very difficult for our jury to decide on a winner.
The final result was decided following the criteria of creativity, effort in the elaboration and above all, that the design fit in our product and the current market trends.
After the collection of all the votes of the members of the jury, which 5 points was the maximum score, the final result was reached and as a result the winner of each category was announced.
We are delighted with this collaboration initiative. We see that talent is present in more places, centers and schools than we imagine and for this reason we think that this gesture of providing opportunities to people who are starting with enthusiasm and great desire, brings surprising results and will keep going in the future.
Apart from this contest we are also collaborating with this school to carry out internships with its students and generate a job bank from which both parties will benefit in the event that a job vacancy is generated in our company.
We also take this opportunity to thank all the students who have participated, the La Garriga School of Design for understanding this initiative and collaborating so closely with us. Lastly, of course, the winners of our first Design contest. Lastly, we encourage all these great artists to continue working like this in order to succeed and innovate.
Jury members Eduard Reuss (left side) and Albert Llovet (right side) with the two winners Pol and Sonia.
Albert Llovet with the Graphic Design winner Sonia.
Albert Llovet with C.O.M. category winner Pol.