
Two years of pandemics, the energy and economic crisis triggered by the tensions in the geopolitical world order have drastically changed the world as we knew it. And so have we humans, each and every one of us.The pandemic has forced us into social distance from each other. As a result, we have retreated into our own little worlds. The threats to our own health and integrity from outside led most of us to retreat into ourselves. Fearfully, we have hunkered down. The only bridges to the outside world were mostly digital channels. Already unsettled by the pandemic, global geopolitical crises, the interaction of climate crisis and energy crisis further shook the foundations of our world order. And with this perceived global instability, many also felt insecure because jobs were endangered by global economic crises. All in all, it is not surprising that many of us have gone through a dark time in the last two years.A in some ways gloomy and perceived dangerous living environment outside but also had the effect that we have reflected and focused more on us. As perhaps rarely before in our pre-pandemic, stimulus-flooded, digitalized, hedonistic consumer world, we have rediscovered and questioned ourselves. Our health, our strengths, our weaknesses, but also our talents, our needs, our desires, our fantasies. In short: our life. In the process, we have gotten to know ourselves better and perhaps also discovered or developed new facets, passions, preferences.



The desire for a more sustainable life and an ecological economy has been a topic in the collective consciousness of our society for a long time and has now also reached all levels of society. What is new is the dynamic with which sustainable action and economic activity is becoming a lived reality in all areas of life. The reason: we were forced to learn a crucial lesson. Namely, how fragile and thus how valuable our life itself is in the privileged circumstances of our life in the first world. We had to realize how quickly the seemingly infinite resources run out even in our capitalist consumer societies.





Periods of self-isolation and social distancing have led us to focus more on our inner self. We have learned to better see and understand us as a person, to become more aware of our needs and appreciate ourselves again. We accept and disclose our shortcomings and communicate them as well in colors and forms without any shame. Authenticity and individuality are key. This perception and focus on one's own individuality and personality have taken further leads to a "trend against trends" situation. A phase of consciously celebrating no trend at all. The logical conclusion would lead to a brutal reduction to a non-expressive „Scandi-style” followed by unbearable boredom in interior design.



Digital Well-being


In recent times, our personal "well-being" has taken on a different significance, but perhaps also a completely new definition for each of us. Man, until now seemingly untouchable, standing sovereignly at the top of evolution, had to experience how a microscopic, little virus put him in his place. Or quite literally, into our own four walls. Phenomena like Long-Covid, but also mental illnesses like depressions, burnouts have caught not only a few, but very many of us, us humans at the very top of the high seat of evolution. Time to wake up and pay attention!



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