
Meble Polska 2023

Meble Polska Fair has always been one of the most important events in our industry. The scale and formula has changed over the years, but the need to meet people in the real world turns to be vital and important. Therefore, being digitally connected with our partners, is the basis of our daily operations, but meeting them in person builds a relationship which shapes the future and direction of our business.

Impress Decor Polska is part of the design chain of our industry and is fully aware of the importance of such contacts and derives inspiration and pleasure from such events. Meble Polska 2023 provided an opportunity to organize an impressIONS event where we presented our decor selection as well as our trend topics. On February 22, 2023, we invited our customers to network with us, exchange ideas and learn about the narrative of the UCHRONIA concept. The event started with a presentation that focused  on design, technology, business and all the relevant topics we were longing for. During the presentation, we showed our competence about the product and explained the scope and type of support around new decor implementations.  

We are very grateful for the opportunity to work with our partners who in addition to business, represent the level of concreteness that drives the industry and motivates us to take the next steps in various fields. We are delighted for our cooperations and excited about all upcoming projects. Thank you to all of our visitors and hope to see you all again soon.

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